3 Things To Do Before Your Cataract Eye Surgery

If your vision appears cloudy or if you have noticed that colors don't appear as vivid as they once did, you may be suffering from cataracts. Cataracts occur when the lens of the eye clouds up over time. Once your cataracts interfere with your normal activities, it is time to explore cataract surgery.

Cataract surgery removes the eye's cloudy lends and replaces it with a clear, artificial lens so that your vision is no longer obscured. If cataract surgery is in your future, here are three things you need to do before your procedure.

1. Schedule Transportation for the Day of Your Procedure

Cataract surgery is a quick procedure that typically takes less than an hour. However, it is necessary for you to be sedated during the procedure. Even though cataract surgery is a relatively simple operation, you will need someone to drive you home once your surgery is over and you are out of recovery. You will be groggy for a few hours after your procedure. It is customary for patients to go home the same day that they have their surgery.

Immediately after your surgery, you can expect your vision to be blurry. It will gradually improve over time. The complete healing process takes approximately 8 weeks; your doctor will tell you at your follow-up appointment when you can resume driving.

2. Purchase Any Protective Gear Recommended by Your Doctor

After cataract surgery, your eye may feel itchy and irritated. It might also be sensitive to light. Your doctor may recommend that you wear protective eye gear, such as an eye patch, sunglasses, or an eye shield, for a certain period after your surgery.

Protective gear is necessary to keep dirt and other irritants out of your eye. These protective pieces will also help minimize any discomfort or irritation that you are experiencing by keeping bright light out of your eye. You need to purchase the protective gear before your surgery so that you can wear it immediately after your procedure.

3. Fill Any Prescriptions

Your doctor may prescribe prescription eye drops for you to use before and after your cataract surgery. Possible prescriptions may include antibiotic eye drops to prevent infection and steroid eye drops to help alleviate inflammation in the eye. Make sure that you get these prescriptions filled so that you can use them as directed by your doctor.

Generally, you will only need to take over-the-counted pain medication after your surgery. Most patients find that their pain levels are very manageable after cataract surgery. For more information or assistance, contact establishments like Olympia Eye Clinic, Inc., P.S.
